So I set my alarm for 5 this morning because I wanted to see the sunrise and walk around. Once I ate some breakfast (cereal, turns out the milk I bought was actually cream...) it was around 5:20 and I set out. It was already light outside, so the sun must have risen before 5. I walked around our neighborhood, nothing really exciting. I saw a police car and a lady walking her dog. A homeless guy said hello (quick lesson, hello in Czech is Ajoy, which is pronounce like "ahoy") and then some other stuff I did not understand. When I got back around 6:30 I decided to go back to bed; I woke up around 2pm. I got up, took a shower because I decided I should do something with my day, and tried to make breakfast. I bought potatoes so I could cut them up to make breakfast potatoes, but we don't have cooking oil. I also tried to scramble an egg, but the pan must have been too hot because it cooked really strangely. I decided to go back to sleep and then didn't wake up until 8. I made tortellini and talked with my 3 suite mates; my roommate and then a mom and daughter.
I then decided to actually do something with my time and try to find a jazz club. Well, I took tram 22 up 5 stops and then decided to take it back because I didn't want to walk alone in the dark. I did at least find the fancy amazing grocery store again, so that's good.
Tomorrow we wake up at 8 to go to our orientation in the classrooms, maybe I can find that jazz place in the day.
this looks amazing. i hope your stay is fun and informative